Tuesday 8 February 2011

Second sketches - iPhone

According to the product ideas, the following ideas are a part of the costume doll: 
  • To buy a combination of clothes (product idea 1.),
  • to show seasonal trends (product idea 2.),
  • to show suggestions (product idea 5.), 
  • to buy an outfit in your area (product idea 3.),       
  • to change and combine clothes of a costume doll,
  • to show the total costs for an outfit.
In the first picture I tried to find the right place for clothing categories, a possibility to buy, to show the total costs for an outfit and to show suggestions. My solution is the last screen: 

  • The clothing categories are the clothes of the doll. With a touch of one of the round button a category opens depending from the button position. For example the button is on a skirt the category "trousers, shorts and skirt" opens.
  • The possibility to buy is the "buy" button in the header navigation.
  • The total costs are under the "buy" button.
  • The suggestions are on other pictures. To activate these pictures, slip the pictures with the finger form one side to the other side. The symbol "..." indicates this possibility. 

In the next picture I show what will happen when one of the round buttons are activated. A virtual wardrobe will open. The fashion item in the center is the current item from the doll. This item is bigger than the others to show that this is the current item. Moreover, details to this current item are shown such as name, reference number, price, colour possibilities and size possibilities. With a slip gestures with a finger other items form the the categories can be browsed and closed. In the categories "shirts, blouses and pullover" and "trousers, shorts and skirt" the clothes are hanging on a clothes rail (see post: First sketches). 

The last picture shows what will happen after touching the button "buy": An action sheet open with the button "buy online" and "buy in my area". The button "buy online" will bring the user to a buying process and the button "buy in my area" will bring you to the navigation bar point "5. Stores". The program takes the details of combination of clothes from the doll to "5. Stores" and there is a possibility to choose the closest store. 

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