Wednesday 13 July 2011

Interface with high quality aesthetic

Another aim for this project is to design an interface with a high quality aesthetic. To provide this it was necessary to understand what is aesthetic and also beauty. According to Plato (a Greek philosopher and student of Socrates) anything that is beautiful is related to a high concept of beauty. This concept is developed during a learning phase in an individuals early years. A young person learns that a special form is beautiful. Then the person tries to find this beautiful first form in other forms. In this process the person develops his or her high concept of beauty (Plato, in Jowett, 2011). [See blog: High quality aesthetic and beauty]
Related to the idea of the high concept of beauty and transferred to the area of
interaction design, a higher concept of beauty also exists for interaction solutions. This concept is also developed based on experiences. Therefore it is possible to differentiate between two interaction solutions and to decide which solution is more beautiful. It is the solution with is closer to the high concept of beauty in the area of interaction design. Based on this it was necessary to think about the reasons, why some Apps are more beautiful therefore closer to high concept of beauty and some Apps are less beautiful. The next list describes some points, which could influence a beautiful and aesthetic interaction interface:
·       Beautiful pictures with a high resolution
·       A good level of contrast and colour
·       Enough space between the elements – work more with space instead of with lines and boxes
·       Offer smart interaction solutions.
The applications are using beautiful pictures from Cos (2011), a fashion label from H&M. The design around the beautiful pictures is intended to support the beautiful pictures. For the contrast and colour orientation a colourful and non colourful contrast are used (Stapelkamp 2007, p.60-73). The colours are black, gray, white and turquoise are decided based on a colour concept and they are unisex [see blog: Colour concept]. The design for the applications works with space between the areas. Especially for the iPad, with larger screen but nearly the same content as the iPhone, the design works with more space and therefore offers a higher aesthetic. Finally it is helpful for more designing room to have smart interaction solutions, which require less functional elements. For this work it is the good concept, based on recommendation and the possibility to customise, which allowed the user to very easily customise the doll. 
Cos, 2011. Cos website. Available at: [Accessed 5 February 2011].
Jowett, B., 2011: Platon Symposium. Available at: [Accessed 23 May].
Stapelkamp, T., 2007. Screen- und Interfacedesign: Gestaltung und Usability für Hard- und Software. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 

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